SEO, where to start from

A new SEO newbie or even a veteran SEO expert get the same issue when they are starting any SEO project for any website. Though for small websites with less competition doesn’t affect much but a large website with high level of competition really make you to thing from where to start. It’s obvious that for large websites, it need lot of critical thinking before going to start the SEO process. Every SEO expert have his own style to handle this situation and they follow that. We have also our own style and this style is developed through our deep experience in Search engine optimization. Here we will try to explain some areas from where you can start your SEO process for large websites (Though you can apply for any website as we have taken large website to cater the complex process)
We have find that almost every SEO experts starts from auditing the existing site and that is the correct process to start with but once you get the reports your challenge starts. You have to think from where to start.
It is always better to start with on page optimization. Prioritize the things that need your immediate attention to make the website SEO friendly. Work on the code and tags first. Once you are satisfied with that. Go for canonical urls. Other redirects problems need to solve with highest priority level as they are very important for search engines. If you fix all these above explained issues then most of the time there is not much in front of coding part. Secondly you need to work on the content part. Many a times you need to guide your client about the structure of the content. Because at the end content is the most important part of the website and it has to be interesting and readable for the audience.
Now you can jump into off page optimization and start working on link building process. Though link building is not that much important as it used to be, still it has some impact. So you must try to get backlinks from high DA websites. Promotion is very important in social media and you cannot ignore this. So prepare a very strong social media promotion strategy, it will really help you to attain higher rank in search engines and if done properly lot of new businesses can be generated.
I hope this article has given you some idea to think about before starting SEO for any website.

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